Saturday, August 31, 2019

Economic Background – Greece

Greece has a mixed capitalistic economy with a large public sector that accounts about half of GDP. Besides, Greece is a major beneficiary of European Union aid, which equal to about 3. 3% of annual GDP. In addition, Greece is an agricultural country and one of the poorest countries of the European Union with the second to lowest average income, after Portugal. In January 2002, Greece adopted the euro as its currency. The adoption provided Greece, formerly a high inflation risk country under drachma, with access to competitive loan rates and also to low rates of the Eurobond market which led to a dramatic increase in consumer spending and gave a momentous boost to economic growth. Between 2003 and 2007, Greece economy grew by nearly 4. 0% per year. The preparation for the Athens Olympic Games during 2004 gave an impulse to the Greece economy. However, the financial crisis had slowed down the Greece’s economic growth to 2.0 % in 2008. As a result of the world financial crisis and its impact on access to credit, world trade and domestic consumption, the economy went into recession in 2009 and contracted by 2. 0%. In late 2009, eroding public finances, misreported statistics, and inadequate follow-through on reforms prompted major credit rating agencies to downgrade Greece’s international debt rating, which has led to increased financial instability and a debt crisis. Greek government has approved a three-year reform program that includes cutting government spending, reducing the size of public sector, tackling tax evasion, reforming the health care and pension systems, and improving competitiveness through structural reforms to the labour and product market under the intense pressure by the EU and international lenders. The Greek Government projects that its reform program will achieve a reduction of Greece’s deficit by 4% of GDP in 2010 and allow Greece to decrease the deficit to below 3% by 2012. Greece requested activation of a joint European Union-International Monetary Fund support mechanism designed to assist Greece in financing its public debt in April 2010.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Women in Sports

In today’s society women are not allowed to play baseball with men due to patriarchal myths and misconceptions that have been around since the emergence of baseball in America. All women should be able to play baseball with men and there is no legitimate reason why they shouldn't. Women are physically, mentally, and emotionally capable of playing baseball just as men are. With that being said their biological sex or gender should not and does not affect their ability to play baseball in the company of men. In addition their sex should not deem their athletic ability as inferior in comparison to men.Since the adoption of baseball as an American pastime, the sport of baseball has been cultivated and altered to amputate women exuding the masculinity of baseball. The emergence of baseball as popular and profitable sport has failed to acknowledge and highlight the athletic abilities women. Instead its conception has affirmed women to be fragile and it has also depicted women to not have the skills or talents to play and compete alongside men. There are numerous individuals who are opposed to fusion of women and men on the baseball field.These individuals use demeaning stereotypes and beliefs to support their claims. Often these claims are false and are not supported by factual or scientific data. For example these claims say that women are weaker than men, women are not physically capable of playing sports, or a woman's place is in the home rather than on the playing field. These claims have been in existence since the beginning of time and have filtered into the arena of baseball. These claims are used as agencies to enforce the superiority of men and the inferiority of women.Those who are opposed to the idea of men and women playing baseball together, often defend their argument with the belief that women are not physical capable of participating in sports. In addition they often entice the belief that women are more susceptible to injury than men. This is not a valid reason to exclude women and there is an abidance of research that refutes this claim. In addition to excluding women based on their sex, the sport of baseball is connected to racial segregation. It was believed that baseball was a white man's sport and only men who were white possessed the ability to play the sport.This ideology has filtered into present society, resulting in a few number of African Americans or people of color who participate in the sport. With that being said race is absolutely a factor in whether or not women can play baseball with men. Women who are not white are seen as inferior and they are not expected to be successful in playing baseball. There are great deal of stereotypes that surround race and a person's athletic ability. These stereotypes have been around since the â€Å"Americanization† of baseball and traces of them are still evident today.Physical size and strength, the possibility of injuries, and the color of one's skin have been used as strong reasons to prohibit women and girls from entering the world of baseball, all of these claims are absurd and false, these issues should not just be associated women due to their biological sex. Women regardless of race are just as capable as men to participate in the sport of baseball. We can alleviate and erase these myths surrounding the inferiority of women and the superiority of men in the arena of sports.To solve this problem we must start early, we must preparing girls early to have the ability and skill to play baseball amongst their male counterparts. Girls are often shunned away from little league games due to the toughness, manliness, or the possibility of becoming a tomboy. In addition, it is argued that girls would get hurt playing baseball and boys would quit the team. (Ring, 2009, p. 121) The idea that girls and boys don't share the same physical abilities in conjunction with excluding girls for their protection are often used a tools to keep girls from p laying boys.Girls are expected to play the feminine version of baseball, which was constructed to limit the physical capacities of women and girls and to prevent them from acting in a manly of masculine manner. It is commonly believed that boys are better suit for playing sports and girls are not regarding their physical capabilities. There are minimal differences in the physical development of boys and girls. Boys and girls are commonly equal regarding their physical capabilities, except that boys have greater forearm strength and girls have a greater range of flexibility. With the proper training or practice these differences can be reduced.It is also argued that girls are more susceptible to injury than boys and that their bones are not as strong as boys. The claim is just as false as the others that are used to exclude girls or women from baseball. According to Dr. Joseph Trog, â€Å"any age disparity in bone strength was negligible between the ages of ages of eight and twelve, and if anything, girl's bones tend to be more resistant to breakage than boys. â€Å"(Ring, 2009, p. 123) If girls are allowed to begin training at an early age there should not be any reason why girls and women should be prohibited from competing and playing amongst men.There are barely any developmental differences between young boys or girls and if there are they can be easily overcome with proper training. â€Å"The real difference in sizes and strength show up by the middle of high school, when boys and girls are fifteen or sixteen years old. † (Ring, 2009, p. 149) This refutes the belief that young girls and boys cannot play sports together due the so called differences in their physical capabilities. If individuals who are opposed actually did research instead relying on false claims they would see that there is no legitimate reason to separate boys and girls regarding differences in physicality.Instead of playing baseball girls and women are expected to play softbal l, which is seen as inferior with respect to baseball. The association of women and softball was thought to alleviate the issue of women playing baseball with men, â€Å"It served the purpose, so much on the minds of turn-of-the-century health and education experts, of providing women with safe, nonviolent way to get exercise, and it removed the threat to baseball of contamination by female participation. â€Å"(Ring, 2009, p. 60) This exhibited the fear of men regarding women playing baseball along with them.It wasn't that women were not physically capable of sharing the field with men, they were afraid of women taking the spotlight. With that being said, we need to start modeling our young girls into the wonderful and talented baseball players that they can be, instead of allowing them to settle for sport that was developed to limit their physical capabilities. I am not by any means suggesting that girls should not play softball because some women may be comfortable playing amon gst the ranks of men.I am saying that would limit those who are interesting in playing baseball. Once a woman has surpassed the collegiate level of softball, she is not able to pursue a higher level of success in softball. The only option is the major or minor leagues which solely based of baseball. It would be extremely difficult for softball players to revert to playing baseball. The sport of softball requires just as much skill and dedication as baseball and sadly they are segregated by gender with one being superior and the other inferior.Physical size and strength are not factors in the whether or not a woman is capable of playing baseball among men. Women of any size and strength who has the proper training and dedication for the sport of baseball are just as able as any man to play the sport. Individuals opposed to women sharing the field often use the excuses that women are not as strong as men and smaller them as well. They often associate women with weakness with women, as said before with the proper training and skill women are just able as men to play baseball.With that being said women can participate in the same training programs as men and receive the same results in strength gains. According to the National Strength and Conditioning Association, a women's absolute strength is less than that of a men's, but if strength is expressed relative to fat free mass or muscle cross sectional area the difference is greatly reduced or nonexistent. (Kramer, 2004) Although there are many myths circulating that men are significantly stronger than women, scientific studies repudiate those myths.Training programs need not to be different or toned down to perpetuate the notion that women are weaker than men and that they should play separately, and train according to different guidelines. According to Robert Conatser who is a certified athletic trainer and certified strength and conditioning specialist with a master's degree in athletic training believes that tr aining and experience would make it possible for some women to succeed at the integrated game. Ring, 2006, p 148) In addition, critics of baseball often claim that a woman’s naturally small stature in comparison to most men will inhibit their success in baseball. Individuals often associate a woman's size with weakness and this feeds this belief that women are not capable of playing with men. Women who are smaller than men are just as capable if not more of performing well in the sport. In the case of baseball, size is not a factor nor is gender or sex. The performance standards of baseball should solely be based on performance and technique.On average, males are 10 to 15 percent larger in physical stature than women. (Ring, 2009, p. 149) In my opinion this is not a substantial difference between the two and therefore size should not be a factor in baseball performance. The occurrences of injuries are negatively associated with women and are used as excuses to exclude women f rom playing baseball alongside mean. According to Robert Conaster, â€Å"Part of the resistance to letting women play with men is injury prevention. † (Ring, 2009, p. 48) It is obvious that most women are smaller than men, and if injury occurs due to a collision the woman is going to be more susceptible to an injury, but that is a risk taken. I feel as though the occurrence of an injury is possible with any sport regardless of gender or size, no one is safe from any injury. Critics often say that a woman’s bones are weaker than men making her prone to the occurrence of an injury as the result of a possible collision while playing baseball. That is also used as a form of resistance to suggest that women should not play with men. Even if a women were smaller than a man, if she strong or well conditioned her muscles would protect her bones in a collision just as a man's would. † (Ring, 2009, p. 149) This supports my reasoning why women should be allowed to play with men, if they train properly, possess the skills to perform the sport well, and exhibit dedication passion there should be no liable reasons to deny them the opportunities to playing with men. â€Å"Breaking a bone is not a predictable event: it has much to do with specifics of a hit, regardless of whether the player involved is a man or a women. Ring, 2009, p. 149) It takes skill, talent, passion and sometimes luck to prevent the occurrence of any injury, For example, â€Å"The ability of a pitcher to avoid injury from a line driven streaming at him or her from sixty feet away is the result of training, reflexes, not gender. (Ring, 2009, 149) There are so many ways to get around the myth that women are incapable of playing men as result of their gender, but a as a culture we have trained to associate men with strength and power and women with weakness and submissiveness.The success or ability in a specified sport is reflection of dedication, skill, talent, and passion refuting th e idea that its related to one's chromosomes. Baseball is immersed in a great deal with discrimination, in addition to someone being ostracized based on their gender; individuals are marginalized due to the color of their skin. The sport of baseball since its inception as an American passed time has excluded those who were not white or male. This made it difficult for both women and people of color to participate in the beloved sport.Although there were separate leagues they did not receive the same praise or respect as players who were white, instead they were seen as inferiors or alternatives. With that being said race is affects whether or not women play baseball with men and it has been an issue since its rebirth in America. Race is used another form of exclusion or definitive mark of superiority. Just as woman's biological characteristics were used a weapons of exclusion, race is used as well. These reasons are supported by the cultivation of seasoned stereotypes.For example Af rican Americans are expected to be fast and only perform well as basketball players or track stars, it is often said that baseball is not suited for African Americans. Currently there is absence of women of color within teams that are only for women, this was also relevant during the Americanization of baseball. African Americans were not allowed to play among white women and they had to form their own teams. African American women and other women of color were hit a double whammy, there were not allowed discriminated against as a result of their gender and their ethnicity as well.Race is a strong determinant in whether or not a woman participates in baseball. If women were allowed to play baseball among men, there would still be an absence of women of color. Women of color are not socially expected to play baseball and they are not expected to be good at baseball. This results in the limit or absence of women of color in baseball, thus causing disparities regarding race in baseball . Therefore there is a lack of women of color sharing the field with men and white women. I think white women would be accepted more than women of color if given the opportunity to share the field with men.Besides, due to the low number of women of color participating baseball will limit the integration of women of color and men. It is widely believed that if women were allowed to play baseball with there would be a shortage of available positions for men. I feel as though women wouldn't affect the opportunities for men to play. Individuals who are capable of performing a particular position as desired should be able to play regardless of their gender and those of the opposite sex should not feel threatened especially if they are on the same team.An individual’s talents or abilities should not be labeled by their gender, especially in the case of women. Men are threatened by a woman who may perform a sport better than them and often use the excuse that women are taking their positions. Would man say to his male counterpart who just happened to be more sufficient for a particular position, I would have to say no. The integration of women and me on the baseball field does not limit the opportunities for men. If a man performs a certain position better than a woman then the man should take the field or vice versa.Skill and technique should be the only determining factors not one's gender. Women are shunned away from baseball and are provided limited opportunities to share the field with me. Our society has developed many stereotypes and ideals to keep women out of the realm of baseball, these ideals are supported by numerous arguments, most of which are completely false. Since the evolution of baseball in America women have been seen as subordinate species regarding baseball and their abilities. In addition a lot of talented female baseball players have not acknowledged in history.Their accomplishments have been diminished by feminizing remarks, these wome n are not respected. It is widely accepted that women and baseball are not compatible especially regarding the integration with men. These stereotypes and beliefs have been lingering around for centuries; it is about time they are erased. Women should no longer be denied to play and be successful at baseball, we as a culture need to uplift and support women who want to play baseball alongside their male counterparts. Women are very capable of playing baseball with men, sciences proves it and the talented women who look to play baseball exhibit it.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Norm Paper

PAPER # 1: BREAKING A NORM NAME: Nisha Tommy A norm is a principle of right action binding upon the members of a group and serving to guide, control, or regulates proper and acceptable behavior. Social norms are group-held beliefs about how members should behave in a given context. Sociologists describe norms as informal understandings that govern society’s behaviors, while psychologists have adopted a more general definition, recognizing smaller group units, like a team or an office, may also endorse norms separate or in addition to cultural or societal expectations.The psychological definition emphasizes social norms' behavioral component, stating norms have two dimensions: how much behavior is exhibited and how much the group approves of that behavior. The people living in the society develop social norms. These norms have its importance and pay a vital role in the socialization of an individual and molding of personality. There are some important functions of social norms, which play essential part in the smooth of the society. These are control behavior, harmonize the society, and law and order. I chose to violate a social norm when riding on the elevator.I did this in a hospital environment where doctors, nurses, technicians, and mostly patients were around me. I monitored the reaction of ten different groups throughout the experiment to get the best result. It is included different nationality and different age group. I rode the elevator ten times but instead of standing the â€Å"normal† way which is facing the door an unspoken social norm I stood the wrong way standing by the door looking at the back of the elevator. I felt very uncomfortable for the first few times but, after that I started enjoying people’s nonverbal reactions.Still it is hard to break a norm by knowingly breaking it. I got various reactions. Some people stare at me as if I was not normal. Some rolled their eyes and others startled their forehead. Some of them as ked me if I was ok. Some couples looked each other and smiled. Some shook their head. Some of them didn’t look at me at all they were looking on the floor. One of the employees asked me â€Å"Do you work here? Which department do you work for? † One person asked me â€Å"Do you have elevators in your country†? One person asked me â€Å"how long have you been in US†? After my answer she made a facial expression.The question â€Å"Are you ok? ’’ contradicted my hypothesis and proved it wrong which was even if I stand the wrong way in the elevator and go against the social norm then people still won’t really react. This experiment proved my hypothesis wrong. While I had thought I wouldn’t get any reactions I did in reality get many reactions from staring to being asked if I was ok. Many people stared at me as though there was something wrong with me or even felt uncomfortable around me. My hypothesis was proven wrong because clea rly breaking a social norm is more significant than I had assumed.The experiment proved a lot about social norms and breaking them. It showed the significance of social norms how much social norms play a role in society and people as individuals act. The social norm I broke was implicit yet it proved to be so great in how people saw me and how they reacted. I standing the wrong way changed the way some people felt in the elevator they started to feel uncomfortable because my actions went against the social norm which is standing facing the door and anything that goes against the social norm is not normal.The gesture was small yet it proved to generate greater reactions. This experiment proves that there are such things as social norms that aren’t even formally stated and as a society rules are set as to how once should behave and when broken one is met reactions and seen as different and â€Å"not normal†. Even in fast paced places where people tend to be too busy or t hey are stressed or even too sick to notice, people notice the breaking of social norms and react toward it because that is how people were taught to look at differently those who don’t follow the social norm.I had believed that in United State where the attitude of minding your business is what people shape their lives around this would not be the case but I was wrong. Adhering to social norms is clearly a big part of people’s lives and shapes the way they act. What surprised me about the results was the way people acted toward me how some people were feeling uncomfortable. This surprised me because they were acting like there might be something wrong with me just because I was standing the wrong way. The man who asked me if I am ok shocked me the most because I didn’t expect anyone to actually ask me this.All of this also shows how the environment plays a role in a person’s life. The social norms of a place which differ from place to place shapes the so ciety it sets the social code. Especially in the case of the man who asked me if I was ok. His behavior and the rest of the experimental group showed how me breaking the social norm affects not only me but the people around me and changes the way I am seen to the world. He would have probably not asked me this is I was standing the right way. But because I violated the social norm his behavior and reactions changed.The groups acted differently because of the variable which made all the difference. One can bring in conformity to explain these results. Society as a whole has learned to conform so as not to be the odd one out. The social based rules that were made people as a whole have learned to change their behavior to conform to the universal social code so they aren’t different. And when they see someone who acts differently they see them as â€Å"weird† different. People like behaviorists would say have been â€Å"shaped† a certain way a socially acceptable w hich is why people reacted the way they did to me.I went against everyone the rules of society by not conforming hence I was the odd one out. If it weren’t for the social norms then maybe I would not have gotten the reactions I did because there wouldn’t be anything to conform too. One can infer that some of the reactions showed the following of the social norm of not being rude. While some of them stared they did not do anything as not to be rude which is in its own way following a social norm of politeness. This experiment has taught me basically a lot more about social norms and society. I got to see firsthand how social norms work and how much they play a role in everyone’s daily lives.I learned how people react toward people who don’t follow the social norms and break them. If this experiment was conducted somewhere else I would say definitely the results would be different, because the place makes the social norms. Every environment is different and society makes rule based on that. What might be acceptable in one place might not be so acceptable in another and vice versa. For example in some place standing away at a decent distance is considered disrespectful that is going against the social norm whereas in America that is not the case. Here standing too close is breaking the social norm.The results might have been more drastic or there might have not been any reaction at all. This experiment helped in providing the significance of social norms. The experiment also proved to show the difference between following and breaking social norms. After breaking the social norm I got to see many reactions which proved my hypothesis wrong and showed how conformity has a strong impact on society. By standing backwards in an elevator I broke the social norm of standing facing the back of the elevator and hence I became the odd one out. I enjoyed doing this experiment as a whole.

Literacy Narrative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Literacy Narrative - Essay Example It was only much later that we got our first rudimentary lessons in English language. It was a bit tedious at first, because our entire class of grade schoolers had to learn all the basics of English grammar. The English teacher we had was quite good although admittedly her own diction and intonations were far from being perfect but it was acceptable anyway to us pupils who did not know any better. I can honestly say that the wonderful world beyond my country started to open up with all those lessons in English literature fit for our kiddies’ class. I still can remember how we laughed and giggled on some of the strange words and sounds we had to master as we went along in our English classes up to graduating from the elementary. I realized the importance of English proficiency when our batch reached high school. This was the time when we had to learn science, mathematics and biology so we need to learn and be proficient at a certain level of the English language to pass our ex aminations. At that time, there was not much pressure to really master the intricacies of English because we had not yet seen the direct relationship of English mastery to our future careers. In this regard, it can be safely said that all my English learning happened while I was still in my country of birth and therefore, English was spoken only occasionally and only when really necessary. If memory serves me right, it was probably in my sophomore or junior year when the importance of learning the English language first came into sharp focus. We were asked to do a literature essay in English this time and I had a hard time finishing my assignment. It must be borne in mind that our writing assignment need to be finished in an hour’s time or less and previously, I had been overly dependent on using an English dictionary to put my thought into paper. My other classmates had already turned in their papers and I was not yet even halfway through. I was already panicked at that poin t and my thoughts were a total jumble; one thing I can say is that I always have a lot of creative ideas on my mind. A chief difficulty was putting these thoughts down to a written paper that is understandable and connects to a reader. My high school teacher was standing nearby, all ready to get my paper once I finished. This was because I was the only one still left inside the classroom since I must admit honestly that I always struggled with my English since coming into contact with this lingua franca. The time was up for me and I had wanted to still write some more since I knew my paper was not yet good enough. It was at that point in my life when I realized and resolved to vastly improve my English language skills so I can get ahead in my career and with my life. At that time, my English language skills in terms of reading and writing were terrible and I really struggled. When I entered college, there were plenty of opportunities to improve my English skill in terms of speaking, reading, writing and most importantly, comprehension. In particular, the facility with English was vastly improved with my constant viewing of television shows that were broadcast in English without any native language sub-titles at the bottom of the screen. I knew right then that my English will improve someday but I decided to read a lot of books, magazines and newspapers printed in English precisely for this purpose. Secondly, I had what can be called a

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Write an essay comparing and contrasting life in the colonies (pick

Write an comparing and contrasting life in the colonies (pick two colonies and discuss) - Essay Example Burkina Faso, formerly Upper Volta is a small, poor, landlocked country in West Africa which later became the part of French West Africa in 1896. A large number of people in Burkina Faso live in rural areas. The extended family and tribes are the basic social units. Excessive population and drought carved the people and they were compelled to move neighboring countries in search of better life facilities. If one compares the French colonies with that of the American, one can find that there existed somewhat a far better living condition in American colonies which allowed the freedom for education and health facilities for the colonists. Most of the colonies of the world faced the same problem of the wide dispersal of population and the migration of educated people to city life. The New England colonies in America gave more emphasis to education which later paved the way for the renewal of most of the colonies. The Dame school system was very common in the time of early colonial days. The one room school is managed by a woman in her house, with a few children. The political conditions were crucial in Burkina Faso before the conquest of France in the 1890s.The Islamic empire of Mali and Songhai ruled before the arrival of France into the scene. In Burkina Faso, the political life has been controlled by the small group of educated people, military officers and labor unions. The result of extreme poverty, political instability became a curse in Burkina Faso region. After the advent of French administration, these political organizations and labor unions demanded political freedom. The social life was so pathetic and the vegetation was mainly depended on seasonal rain. The poor soil supports few fruit trees and crops, which were insufficient for the inhabitants. While in New England colonies in America have been developed a different social

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Tourism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Tourism - Essay Example However, scholars hold the view that to the profession requires specialised skills and knowledge, continuous education and be good to the society and community. According to Roberts (2007), corporate social responsibility (CSR) entails responsible business conduct causing no harm in the workplace, marketplace, the natural environment as well as the community they operate in. In the tourism sector, it would mean that it is the local, national and global community. CSR is not only vital in promoting business operations but also creates harmony and respect between the business and the community. To the business, CSR looks to ensure that the organisations keep on making profit while ensuring that her future is safe. Tourism industry’s management ought to understand that CSR, reduces general operational costs while improving the firm’s reputation. By extending services to the community, the firm’s dignity rises, resulting to not only a competitive advantage but also access to investment and funding opportunities. Notably, most NGOs prefer funding projects that improve the society’s welfare. Corporate social responsibility in the tourism industry is not a choice; it is a business obligation (Lyn 2009). To the society, CSR increases welfare as well as building a liking for the firm. Going green initiative, maintained by a firm via CSR improves he ecological conditions of the society. The result is reduced health hazards, better working conditions as well as better services and safe products. Involvement in charitable fundraising can improve the society’s education and possibly create equal opportunities. According to Lyn (2009), tourism managers who focus on short-term profits at the expense of the society and the environment are doomed to fail. For sustainability, a business ought to ensure that there is a bottom line that measures environmental, economic and social profits and losses. That goes a long way at maintaining customer

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Financial Incentives within the SWDC Case Study - 11

The Financial Incentives within the SWDC - Case Study Example The Solid Waste Disposal Company is an organization popularly known for its successful services of providing land for waste disposal. It is one among other companies fighting for environmental sustainability. It provides a disposal ground, which can receive all types of waste products from all customers. The landfill, however, is far from the main company approximately 100 miles away. The distance from the landfill to the main company forced the manager, Don Morgan to organize a team of drivers who operate back and forth to the landfill area. The main challenge, which the drivers face is the limitation subjected to them concerning the financial incentives even if one exceed the expected number of tonnes set on the carriage. The way Don treats his employees is not just because he only considers one driver called Tim McGhee to be loyal and gives him a chance to work closer to the company. Although Tim is a loyal driver, it is not right for Don to fail to recognize the hard work of the other drivers. He has to recognize the struggle of other drivers to motivate them towards pleasing performance. Dealing with several teams as a manager in a company is challenging especially for one person. However, one can manage by ensuring equal treatment of all employees. Don experiences the challenge of balancing the incentives for his employees. He must ensure that the three team s receive equal incentives although, he should also consider awarding the best and loyal drivers, but in a fair manner. To better the teamwork of the drivers, he has to involve them when awarding the loyal employees; this will motivate the other employees to work hard to get the reward during the next event. The SWDC Company provides some incentives that do not cover the entire needs nor satisfy the employees’ requirements. The case of Tim shows that the employees have to struggle so much to meet their needs. He has to work overtime to get enough money for the bill for his hospitalized child.  

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Innovation to Sustainability about Lexus Electric Car Essay

Innovation to Sustainability about Lexus Electric Car - Essay Example The paper tells that Lexus has its headquarters at Nagoya in Japan and operational centers in the US and Europe. Through its innovation management, Lexus was able to produce Lexus CT 200h series in 2011 which even surpassed Toyota Prius in terms of performance and luxury. Lexus CT 200h is a hybrid car which derives its energy from a gasoline engine and electric motors. The power of the battery is very powerful and transmits 27 kW (kilowatts) of power the motors (The three main strategic innovations are; Innovation based on problem-solving vs. continuous innovation, R & D department vs. firm-wide innovation and Radical vs. incremental innovation. Lexus has opted to use radical innovation over incremental innovation owing to the fact that it has shifted completely to hybrid cars. According to Thomas and Christian, incremental innovation is very good for competitiveness but in most cases, it is adopted by competitors who want to catch up with leading innovators. In addition, it also use s innovation through the R & D over firm-wide innovation. In the case of Lexus, their innovations are technology-based which forms their strength in designing the Lexus CT 200h series. Technical innovation is basically the utilization of different forms of technology to come up with a product which competitive and sustainable. Technical innovations are very popular in the auto industry because a consumer is always looking for a car that has an edge over other in terms of technology. Using technology, auto manufacturers are able to increase the comfort and efficiency of cars. Organization Lexus has adopted the mechanistic structure which is quite elaborate in order to handle the challenges of manufacturing their Lexus CT 200h. This form of organizational structure is also good for enabling the accommodation of many lines of production which lead to high production. For ample technical innovation, mechanical structuralisation is good for allowing research and development with regards to technology. However, recent research tries to paint the idea that a combination of mechanistic structure and organic structure is best sustainable innovations. Organisation in the context of innovation management is concerned with the leadership structure and how physical plant. The leadership structure or organizational structure is conceptualized in the manner in which labor is fragmented into different tasks and their subsequent coordination. The auto industry is highly devolved whereby there are different levels of production of car parts. This is important because luxurious cars have many technical parts which require specialized fabrication.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Evaluative Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Evaluative Report - Essay Example Each section in the report analyzes an important component of the essay written by me in order to establish the importance of academic writing skills in essay writing. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Essay Structure 2.1 Essay Introduction Analysis 2.2 Essay Body Analysis 2.3 Essay Conclusion Analysis 3.0 Paragraph Structure 4.0 Linking/Connecting Ideas and Information 5.0 Integrating Evidence 6.0 Referencing 7.0 Conclusions/Recommendations 8.0 List of References 1.0 INTRODUCTION Academic writing is an integral part of most of the academic courses pursued in the current world, and the learners need to produce various types of academic papers such as ‘essay’, ‘position statement’, ‘report’, etc. Analyzing or evaluating one’s academic writing skills has great significance in the background of today’s higher education system as such assessments help in the improvement of academic writing process in the future. The possibilities of one’s career development in today’s academic scenario depend mainly on one’s ability to write convincingly according to the requirements of academic writing. In this evaluative report, a detailed analysis of my academic writing skills demonstrated in Assignment 4 (Essay – final copy) is carried out and it builds upon the structure developed in Assignment 3 (Monitoring – report). ... xiii). Broadly, academic writing may refer to any type of writing done in an academic setting. Essay: An essay may be defined as a short academic composition on a specific topic, having components such as introduction, thesis statement, topic sentences, body paragraphs, conclusion, etc. Position Statement: A position statement can be defined as a type academic paper which clarifies or describes a specific arguable point of view. 2.0 ESSAY STRUCTURE An academic essay is an essential element of academic writing, and it assesses a student’s aptitude to present his thoughts and ideas in a structured manner. An effective essay writing process starts with collecting crucial ideas about the topic, and it is essential to present these ideas in an organized way. Thus, an essay should begin with introducing the thesis and the main arguments in an interesting way, and it should be developed logically through the body-paragraphs, ending with a logical conclusion. Therefore, there are thre e main segments in an essay, i.e. the introduction, the body and the conclusion. 2.1 Essay Introduction Analysis In this section, an analysis of the introduction of the ‘Monitoring – Essay’ is carried out. The introductory section of the essay is as follows: The rate of people developing type 2 diabetes is soaring in the western world; Type 2 Diabetes in recent times was typically regarded as a disease of the middle-aged and elderly. While it still is true that this age-group sustain a higher risk, evidence shows that diagnoses of this disease in people aged less than 30 years is accelerating and in fact becoming quite common. Even once active children and

Friday, August 23, 2019

Scientific Research Skills - Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Scientific Research Skills - Project - Essay Example Social media has immensely influenced individuals and their behaviors. The recent researchers claim that the excessive social media is becoming a major issue and leading to addictive behaviors and negative impacts on cognitive development and mental health among adult and children. O’Keeffe and Pearson in their study analyze the impacts of social media on individuals. The main objective of the research is to determine the impacts of social media on mental health of individuals. The findings of the research show that the excessive use of social media is leading to unhealthy and addictive behaviors among individuals, such as sexing, alcohol, pornography etc. In addition, the findings show that excessive use of social media is casting negative impacts on the cognitive development and academic performance of individual (OKeeffe & Pearson, 2011). In the similar fashion, Kuss & Griffith (2011) in their study cliam that the use of excessive social networking (facebook) is leading to negative impact on the academic performance of individuals as well as leading to variety of activities that have potential addictive behavior (Kuss & Griffiths, 2011). Some of the researcher claims that the media content on the social websites is creating anxiety among individuals as social media portray a different aspect of the live. Fischer et al (2011) in the study determine quantity of media contents that is leading to risk-taking behaviors among individuals, such as extreme sports, violence and drinking. In order to conduct the study quantities research approach. Meta analysis was connected to determine the relationship between the media contents and its impact on individual behaviors. The findings of the study highlights that there is strong relation between media content and risk taking behaviors of individuals (Fischer, Greitemeyer, Kastenmà ¼ller, Vogrincic, & Sauer, 2011). Villanti et al (2011) in the study focuses on

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Jesus had a way of teaching his disciples Essay Example for Free

Jesus had a way of teaching his disciples Essay Jesus always had a way of teaching his disciples how to be better people. He used events to teach them, he also used small talking sessions to teach them. The disciples were taught many valuable lessons from Jesus. In the modern world some people think that only bishops, priests or vicars are real disciples but every Christian who has been baptised should try to be a follower of Jesus. Christians today work for each other and for the people that they see as the weak in society such as the elderly, alcoholics, drug addicts and one-parent families. There are plenty of schemes run by voluntary Christian organisations for the poor and weak in society. The Salvation Army is well known for its concern of outcasts in society. They practise many different activities including childrens day centres and nurseries and family welfare work and homes for the elderly. The Salvation Army does plenty for the weak of society and other Christian denominations have their charity organisations, which provide similar services. There are international Christian organisations that include the Tear fund and Christian Aid, these groups care for the needs of developing nations. They help third world countries to live life as best as they can by providing clean water, health care and education. Some Christians today choose to become priests or join a religious order as their way of being disciples of Jesus in the modern world.A priest is a servant of Gods people. The Priests job is to proclaim and preach the gospel, to bless the bread and wine offered at mass. to care for the needs of people in the parish, especially by showing his worshippers what they can do for each other and to devote themselfs to God. Some people should use their talents to improve the world, to try and make the world peaceful and loving place. They have a duty to be aware of all the worlds problems such as crime, prejudice and violence. Christians who take part in the Eucharist are sent to serve others at the end of mass. The priest says, Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. We can serve others by donating our clothes to charity shops so that others will benefit. We can visit the lonely, offer shelter, feed the hungry, pray, provide love and comfort, in doing all of these things we are serving the Lord. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength(Marks Gospel 12: 30-31). This is an extract from Marks gospel in the passage of The Great Commandment; it is what Jesus said to be the greatest commandment of all. Jesus explains this to mean that God is the only Lord we have so therefore we need to love him in the best way that we can. The second greatest commandment of them all is to Love your neighbour as yourself(Marks Gospel 12: 31). When Jesus was talking of these two great commandments he wanted us to realise that life does not revolve around ourselves it is about what we can do for others. This message is to show us not to be selfish and be prepared to suffer for our beliefs. We should never contribute to Mickey taking or peer pressure as we would not like that if it was directed at us. We should give our time for other people which many people do as a careers options so they are also giving their life to God at the same time by serving to others such as Nurses, Doctors, teachers, fireman and missionaries all these jobs are for someone elses benefit giving their time up for people like us when we are in danger or ill. we can contribute our ways to discipleship by going to church to pray, prayer in general if it to be at home, personal or within a group in a community at school or in a parish. It is important Christians/disciples have childlike qualities that they are proud to be a Christian, they are honest, faith, enthusiasm everything seem brilliant hope and trust in God at the lowest times in your life.Even when tragic accidents happen such as suffering with cancer, A death of someone you love or such incidents as September 11th the attack on the twin towers New York. We should still have faith and believe they are with God and happy. I think that it is extremely difficult to be a modern day disciple because many people take the modern lifestyle for granted and the mission now has a different meaning to the one in Jesusà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ time. in the modern world because so many people are judged by many different aspects of their lifestyle. They are usually judged in a positive way about their possessions and general lifestyle but they are judged in a negative way about their religion. Religion has become very unfashionableà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ and this is not just because it is considered a waste of time but it is also because Jesusà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ teaching methods were unfashionable. Todayà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s world is so materialistic and people would not judge someone kindly if abandoned their family responsibilities to become a disciple. many people still suffer great persecution and rejection.. A modern day disciple would find it difficult because our world is so materialistic and it would be extremely difficult for a person to give up the wealth gained from a job. Many items in society like drugs can be a barrier between a person and their path towards discipleship. But I do think that some peopleà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s faith is strong enough to enable them to be a modern day disciple. There are many people who have made great sacrifices to follow Jesus and do his work in our world today. Mother Teresa of Calcutta was a strong believer in Christ and she is an example of a disciple in the modern world. Society does hold back a personà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s path towards discipleship but a true disciple should be able to overcome that difficulty. Being a disciple of Jesus has many implications for every area of a personà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s life and this is because their every action is influenced by Jesusà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ example. St Teresa of Avila once said, Christ has no body now on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours. This means that we are on earth to represent Jesusà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ and he lives in us and this is another way of us being disciples of Christ. In our lifetime today we are given a very important mission and that is to serve Jesus during our time on earth and be disciples, and also preach the word of Jesus to the people who do not yet know.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

President Speech Essay Example for Free

President Speech Essay While working on this project, I have attained immense knowledge and experience has been very interesting. I am thankful to my computer teacher who has guided me and given me the outlines related to the topic and also the assistance provided by my friends. I am very thankful to my parents for their help. I therefore acknowledge the fact that without their help this project would not have been completed. Cricket has always been like a religion for this country. It is seen as more than just a game. The players are considered as demigods and literally worshipped. The Twenty20 format of cricket created history. After the Twenty20 format of cricket was introduced to the world, cricket has just been overflowing out of everyones ears, its all about cricket. Indian Premier Leagues origin is quite interesting. It all started when Lalit Modi, the Vice President of the Board of Cricket Control in India (BCCI) envisioned the Indian Premier League. It is created along the lines of club football in Europe, specifically the English Premier League. IPL has been launched in response to the rebel Indian Cricket League (ICL) launched by Zee Group. The DLF Indian Premier League is an amazing occurrence in whole of cricket history. The Indian Cricket Board approved it a few months back. It is seen as a very good opportunity as far as the entertainment industry is concerned. The format of Twenty20 cricket has emerged as a phenomenon after the Twenty20 World Cup was won by India and since then people have been totally immersed into it. There is no doubt where the Indian Premier League is headed, as far as viewership and profits for  everyone associated with it is concerned. The  2012 Indian Premier League  season, abbreviated as  IPL 5  or the  IPL 2012  or the  DLF IPL 2012  (owing to title sponsorship reasons), was the fifth season of the  Indian Premier League, initiated by the  Board of Control for Cricket in India  (BCCI)  in 2007 with the  first season played in 2008. The tournament began on 4 April and ended on 27 May 2012  Kolkata Knight Riders  were the winning team, beating defending champions  Chennai Super Kings  by five wickets in the final. This season the number of teams in the league went from ten to nine with the termination of  Kochi Tuskers Kerala. Despite a slow start, IPL 5 earned a higher cumulative viewership than any previous edition of the IPL. [7]  The cumulative reach for 74 IPL 5 matches was recorded at 163 million against 162 million for 73 matches in IPL 4, and the final match had a higher reach than any previous final. This edition of the IPL has been the most competitive with 19 matches in which team won in the last over and 6 matches in which team won by a margin of less than 10 runs. Near the end of the season, the season faced various hurdles including a spot fixing case, which allegedly included 5 players caught on a sting operation carried on by a local news channel. The top three teams of the tournament (Kolkata Knight Riders,  Chennai Super Kings  and  Delhi Daredevils) will represent India in the  2012 Champions League Twenty20. The Fair Play Award was won by  Rajasthan Royals, while  Kings XI Punjab  batsman  Mandeep Singh  was named the tournaments Rising Star and Kolkata Knight Riders bowler  Sunil Narine  was Player of the Season. The final between the defending two-time champions  Chennai Super Kings  and the first-time finalists  Kolkata Knight Riders  was held at the  M. A. Chidambaram Stadium,  Chennaion May 27, 2012. While the Super Kings retained their team from the Qualifier, a hamstring injury to Knight Riders medium-pace bowler  Lakshmipathy Balaji  resulted the inclusion of  Australian  Brett Lee  and this inclusion of another foreign player required the Knight Riders to leave out their former captain and wicket-keeper batsman  Brendon McCullum  ofNew Zealand  to maintain the cap of 4 foreign players. Wicket-keeper batsman  Manvinder Bisla  was brought in to replace  Brendon McCullum. After Super Kings captain  Mahendra Singh Dhoni  won the toss and elected to bat first, openers  Murali Vijay  and  Mike Hussey  put on an opening partnership of 87 until Vijay was dismissed for 42 (from 32 balls) in the 11th over. Mike Hussey was joined by IPLs leading run scorer  Suresh Raina  and they scored at a brisk rate to reach 160 when Hussey was dismissed in the eighteenth over for 54 (from 43 balls). Suresh Raina  who had scored an imposing 73 (from 38 balls) with five  sixes  was dismissed off the last ball as Chennai reached a formidable total of 190. In reply, the Knight Riders lost their captain  Gautam Gambhir  cheaply for 2 in the first over. However, they recovered as  Manvinder Bisla  (89 from 48 balls) and  Jacques Kallis  (69 from 49 balls) added 136 for the second wicket. Soon after Bislas dismissal in the 15th over, the Knight Riders lost wickets at regular intervals and after Kallis was caught out by  Ravindra Jadeja  off the bowling of  Ben Hilfenhaus  at 18. overs, the Knight Riders required 16 runs from the last 7 balls. Shakib Al Hasan  appeared to have been caught by  Murali Vijay  off the very next delivery from Hilfenhaus but it happened to be a  no-ball  and amid the celebrations, Shakib Al Hasan had completed two runs and retained the strike and hit a  four  the very next ball. Needing 9 runs to win from the last over,   Manoj Tiwary  hit consecutive  fours  to secure victory for the Knight Riders. [31]  Manvinder Bisla was declared Man of the Match for his 89 from 48 balls which included five sixes and eight fours. Overall, 22453  runs  were scored at an  average  of 26. 2 with an overall  run rate  of 7. 82. 857  wickets  fell in the whole of the tournament. Both the amount of runs and the amount of wickets are the most that has occurred in one tournament out of all five  IPL  tournaments. During the course of this tournament, pace bowlers took 531 wickets with an average of 27. 20 and average run rate of 7. 81 whereas spinners took 241 wickets at an average of 31. 35 and average run rate of 7. 41. Overall, 6 centuries were scored. IPL 2008  and  IPL 2011  also had the same amount of  centuries. In this tournament, 96 fifties were scored, which was the most in any edition of the IPL. This edition also saw 1911 fours, 2 fours less than previous edition of  2011 Indian Premier League. 731 sixes were also scored, which was another record for a season. On the other hand, this edition had only 2 instances in which a single bowler took 5 wicket haul within his quota of 4 overs as per the rules of  Twenty20 cricket. The 2012 season of Indian Premier League (IPL) will be the fifth season of IPL since its inauguration in 2007. IPL 5 is going to start on 4th April and will continue till 27th May 2012. The finals of ipl 2012 would be held in Chepauk, the home ground of Chennai Super Kings who will also be defending their title this year. Kochi Tuskers Kerala franchisee has been terminated by BCCI. KTK has filed a petition in the court but has not received any respite from the court. IPL 2012 will be played among just nine teams this time. Daredevils sign Ross Taylor IPL 5 latest news is New Zealand Captain Ross Taylor has been traded by Rajasthan Royals to Delhi Daredevils ahead of IPL 2012. Taylor is Delhi’s second big signing of the season after they acquired Kevin Pietersen from the Deccan Chargers. Rajasthan Royals had bought Taylor for USD 1 million at the IPL Player Auction 2011. The Kiwi played 12 matches for the Royals, scoring 181 runs at an average of 36. 20 and a strike-rate of 119. 07. Levi replaces Symonds in MI Mumbai Indians, the Champions League 2011 champions, today signed T20 sensation Richard Levi as a replacement for former Australian batsman Andrew Symonds, for the fifth edition of Indian Premier League 2012. Expressing eagerness to join the ranks of Captain Sachin Tendulkar and Harbhajan Singh, Levi said, â€Å"I am honoured to have Mumbai Indians management interest in my services. I have heard from friends around that Mumbai Indians is like an extended family where team shares a great bond and entrust upon youngsters. Beyond, Sachin Tendulkar has been my childhood hero and it would be exciting to share the dressing room with him. † PWI to play IPL 5 ;amp; Sourav Ganguly to take all Decisions as Captain? The BCCI-Sahara saga finally looks to come to some kind of conclusion, with BCCI President N. Srinivasan saying earlier in the day, that: â€Å"we do appreciate what Sahara has done. They might have felt aggrieved and did not get what they wanted from the IPL.    Finally, Subrata Roy, came out on a News Channel and confirmed, whatever may happen Pune Warriors will surely play the IPL ;amp; he says Sourav Ganguly will take all the final calls about it. He said, by no means, Sahara wanted the players to miss out on cricket and hence PWI team will surly play the IPL and all decisions about it, will be taken by Sourav Ganguly himself. Also, Sahara Boss con firmed that Sourav Ganguly will be the captain of the PWI team ;amp; all cricketing decisions of the team will be taken by him. CHENNAI SUPER KINGS Chennai Super Kings  (often abbreviated as  CSK) is a franchise  cricket team  based in  Chennai, Tamil Nadu that plays in the  Indian Premier League. Founded in 2008, the team is currently captained by  Mahendra Singh Dhoni  and coached by  Stephen Fleming, a former New Zealand cricketer. The teams home ground is the  M. A. Chidambaram Stadium  (often referred to as  Chepauk) located in  Chennai. Chennai Super Kings is the most successful team in the  Indian Premier League  team so far. The team has won the IPL title twice in succession (2010  and  2011) and reached the play-offs every season. They were also the first Indian team to have won the  Champions League Twenty20. The leading run-scorer of the side is  Suresh Raina, while the leading wicket-taker isRavichandran Ashwin. The brand value of Chennai Super Kings in 2012 was estimated at  US$75. 13  million, making them the most valuable franchise in the IPL. The Chennai Super Kings are one of the nine teams of the  Indian Premier League. They are the most successful and consistent team in IPL history. Their captain is the current Indian skipper,Mahendra Singh Dhoni. The franchise is currently owned by  India Cements, who paid $91 million to acquire the rights to the franchise for 10 years in 2008. [10]  N. Srinivasan, Vice-Chairman and Managing Director of India Cements Ltd. , is the de facto owner of the Chennai Super Kings, by means of his position within the company. He is also the President of the  BCCI. Krishnamachari Srikkanth, former captain of the  Indian cricket team  and the current Chairman of the National Selection Committee, was the brand ambassador for the franchise until the end of season three when his 3-year contract expired, and former Indian opener  V. B. Chandrasekhar  is the Chief Selector. [11]  To gather more support from local fans, actor  Vijay  and actress  Nayantarawere also appointed as ambassadors, but both have been subsequently removed. In the 2012 players auction, Super Kings bought  Ravindra Jadeja, for a whopping $2 million (9. 72  crore), the bid which turned out to be the biggest draw in the players auction for the fifth edition of the Indian Premier League. [39]  They also bought out the contract of  Tim Southee  who was signed as a replacement player in the previous season. The Super Kings started their IPL 2012 campaign with a 8-wicket loss to  Mumbai Indians  in the tournament opener in Chennai. CSK were bundled out for 112 before  Richard Levi  struck a fifty for the visiting team to setup the victory. [40]Ravindra Jadeja  came up with a brilliant all-round performance (48 off 29, 5/16) to help his team to a resounding 74-run win over  Deccan Chargers  in their second home game. In their first away game of the season, the Super Kings lost toDelhi Daredevils  in by 8 wickets after another poor show by the batsmen. Their win against  Royal Challengers Bangalore  was made possible by  Albie Morkel, who smashed 28 runs from the 19th over bowled by  Virat Kohli, and Jadeja who hit a boundary off the last ball of the match to see his side chase down the target of 206. South African  Francois du Plessis  was adjudged Man of the match for his innings of 71. At  Pune, after restricting the Super Kings to 155,Jesse Ryder  and  Steve Smith  took the  Pune Warriors  home with four balls to spare to hand a third defeat to CSK in five games. However they beat the same opponents at home by 13 runs after du Plessis and  Subramaniam Badrinathscored fifties in the first innings. du Plessis struck another half-century (73 off 52) to take Chennai to their second consecutive win. Their next game, which was supposed to be played at  Bangalore  against the Royal Challengers, was washed out without a ball bowled due to rain. They suffered a shock home defeat against  Kings XI Punjab  as they failed to chase the target of 157. KXIPs  Mandeep Singh  was awarded the Man of the match for his resilient 56. They lost another home game by 5 wickets to  Kolkata Knight Riders  whose run chase was anchored by skipper  Gautam Gambhirs half-century. Chennai got back to winning ways with a 10-run win over the struggling  Deccan Chargers  despite a belligerent knock by the Chargers vice-captain  Cameron White. The Super Kings then lost to Mumbai Indians off the last ball of the match. Dwayne Smith, who was playing his first match of the season for Mumbai, hit 14 runs off the last three balls bowled by  Ben Hilfenhaus  to take his team to a dramatic victory. The loss severely dented CSKs chances of progressing to the Playoffs. In another thrilling match, Chennai beat Rajasthan Royals by four wickets mainly due to cameos by Albie Morkel and  Anirudha Srikkanth, both scoring unbeaten six-ball 18. In their last home match of the league stage, Chennai comprehensively beat the Delhi Daredevils by nine wickets. Against Kolkata Knight Riders, needing five to win on the last ball for CSK,  Dwayne Bravo  smashed a six over long-on off the bowling of  Rajat Bhatia  to take them to a thrilling 5-wicket win. Needing a win to assure their place in the Playoffs, they lost to  Kings XI Punjabby 7 wickets at  Dharamsala  in their last league match. However Royal Challengers Bangalore and Chennai Super Kings, both ended up with 17 points from 16 games, but the latter managed to get the fourth spot on the points table due to a better  net run rate. The team played  Mumbai Indians  in the Eliminator at  Bangalore. After losing two wickets early, Hussey and Badrinath stitched a crucial 94-run third wicket partnership to take the team to a respectable position. Then skipper  MS Dhoniand Dwayne Bravo scored 73 runs in the last five overs to set up a score of 187/5 in 20 overs. Mumbai in their run-chase got off to a flying start before a dramatic batting collapse. CSK spinners Ashwin and Jakati picked up one wicket each and bowled seven economical overs between them that proved decisive in the context of the match. CSK won the match by 38 runs and Dhoni was given the Man of the Match for his 51* (20). The win took them to the second Qualifier at  Chennai, a match against  Delhi Daredevils  to decide who plays in the final. Daredevils won the toss and put Chennai into bat and this decision backfired. Opener  Murali Vijay, who had a quiet season until then, came to his own striking a century (113 runs from 60 deliveries, 15 fours and four sixes) to take his team to a mammoth 222/5. The bowlers backed up the good batting by bowling tight line and length and picking up wickets at regular intervals. OnlyMahela Jayawardene  showed some resistance for Delhi with a knock of 55 but to see his team lose by 86 runs. The big win booked CSKs place in the final at their home ground Chennai against the  Kolkata Knight Riders. This was the fourth time in five seasons, that CSK had made it to the final of the IPL. Chennai elected to bat in the final and the batsmen backed the decision with another stellar show. After a solid opening partnership between Hussey and Vijay,Suresh Raina  played his best innings of the season scoring an unbeaten 38-ball 73. Chennai went on to make 190/3 in 20 overs. Kolkata lost the big wicket of their skipper Gambhir in the first over of the run-chase. Then  Manvinder Bisla, who was playing his first game in two weeks, took on the bowlers single-handedly and scored 89 from 48 balls. Batting at three,  Jacques Kallis  not only scored 69 (49) but also put up a crucial second-wicket stand of 136 runs with Bisla. However, the game swung CSKs way after KKR lost four wickets in as many overs. After the fall of Kallis in the 19th over, KKR needed 16 runs to win from 7 balls. KKR went on to win the game by five wickets with two balls to spare thanks to two consecutive boundaries from  Manoj Tiwary  in the last over. The Knight Riders secured their maiden IPL title with this win and Bisla won the Man of the Match award. Suresh Raina finished as Chennais leading run scorer with 441 runs and Dwayne Bravo lead the bowling tables with 14 wickets. Chennai Super Kings (CSK), founded in 2008, is owned by India Cements. Their home ground is M. A. Chidambaram Stadium, also known as Chepauk by many. The present coach of CSK is Stephen Fleming and Indian skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni is the captain of team. CSK has been the most successful team in the Indian Premier League, winning the title twice. They reached the final in the first season of the IPL before losing out to Rajasthan Royals. Some of the important players of CSK are Dhoni, Ravindra Jadeja, Suresh Raina, Doug Bollinger, George Bailey, Nuwan Kulasekara, and Michael Hussey. Squad: MS Dhoni (c amp; wk), Murali Vijay, Srikkanth Anirudha, Ravichandran Ashwin, Subramaniam Badrinath, George Bailey, Doug Bollinger, Dwayne Bravo, Faf du Plessis, Ben Hilfenhaus, Michael Hussey, Ravindra Jadeja, Shadab Jakati, Joginder Sharma, Suraj Randiv, Nuwan Kulasekara, Yo Mahesh, Albie Morkel, Abhinav Mukund, Suresh Raina, Wriddhiman Saha (wk), Scott Styris, Sudeep Tyagi, Kuthethurshri Vasudevadas and Ganapathi Vignesh. DECCAN CHARGERS Deccan Chargers  known in short as  DC  is a cricket franchise based in the city of  Hyderabad  in the  Indian Premier League. They, after finishing last in the  first season  of the  IPL, won the  second season  held in  South Africa  in 2009, under the captaincy of former Australian  wicket-keeper  batsman  Adam Gilchrist. Gilchrist was the captain of the team for the first three seasons of the  IPL. From the fourth season,  Kumar Sangakkara  has been leading the team and  Cameron White  has been playing as his deputy. The team is coached by  Darren Lehmann, former Australian cricketer. The Deccan Chargers franchise is owned by the  Deccan Chronicle  Holdings Limited. The media group acquired the franchise for an amount of USD 107 million on 24 January 2008. [2]  The Chargers logo is a charging  bull. From the 2009 season, the team changed the colour of the jersey (from beige and black to sparkling silver and blue) and the logo (from gold and red to white and blue). There is no  Icon Player  for the team as the former captain  V. V. S. Laxman  rejected the offer to be an icon player in order to free funds and enable the franchise to buy amp; encourage younger players. In  2012 Indian Premier League, Chargers named new fielding coach  Trevor Penney  replacing  Mike Young. New signings amp; Tradings In the trading window which opened in December, Chargers have traded off  Kevin Pietersen,  Harmeet Singh  ,  Pragyan Ojha  to  Delhi Daredevils,  Kings XI Punjab,  Mumbai Indians  respectively. During player auctions Chargers had tried to bid  Ravindra Jadeja  for entire $2m but eventually lost in tie breaker. Later they acquired following players- Players Acquired-  Daniel Harris   $70,000  Darren Bravo   $100,000  Parthiv Patel   $650,000 After post auction team acquired following uncapped players  TP Sudhindra,  Tanmay Srivastava,  Biplab Samantray, Akshath Reddy owing to their strong domestic performances. Contracts Boughtout-  Michael Lumb,  Jaydev Shah, Ishan Malhotra Performance- The performance of the chargers was poor and finished a lowly 8th out of the 9 teams. The performance of players such as  Shikhar Dhawan,  Cameron White  and  Dale Steyn  were outstanding, but did not get much support from the other players. Their fielding was really poor resulting in many dropped catches and losing many games. After their miserable run in IPL 2012, the owners of Deccan Chargers are looking to sell all or part of the franchise and have appointed an investment banker to search for prospective buyers. Deccan Chronicle Holdings Limited, the owner of the franchise are considering selling their stake and are looking for buyers for the same. Now Deccan Chagers will want to start rebuilding their squad my adding Pakistan players who are eligible to play IPL from next year. Retaining their only key pace bowling spear-head Dale Steyn for the 2013 Auction will be ideal if Deccan Chargers want to build a strong team in the future. Performance Deccan Chargers failed to perform in IPL 2012, with narrow losses and continuous defeats, Deccan Chagers failed to gain any rhythm in 2012. Dale Steyn,  Cameron White, and  Shikar Dhawan  where the only players who helped Deccan win the matches. Team weakness was the bowling and fielding department, with  Ishant Sherma  being ruled out due to injury, he proved to be a big loss. Deccan ended up coming 8th place out of nine teams, most of the league they were coming last place with only 9 points on the table and winning only 4 games out of the 15 games that they played (one match was rained out). Deccan need to do many things over the next year to upgrade their team and be more strong. Deccan Chargers came into the IPL 2012 being characterised by named underdogs, and they are yet to keep that name. Deccan Chargers is owned by The Deccan Chronicles. They have three home grounds Rajiv Gandhi International Stadium, ACA-VDCA Stadium and Barabati Stadium. The present coach of DC is former Australian cricketer Darren Lehmann. Kumar Sangakkara is the captain of the side and Cameron White is the vice-captain. The star players of DC are Darren Bravo, Daniel Christian, JP Duminy, Ishant Sharma, Dale Steyn, Amit Mishra and Parthiv Patel. In 2008, they came last in the points table. However, in the next season of IPL they came back strong and lifted the trophy. They haven’t been much impressive after that. In the last season, they were 7th in the league standings. Squad: Kumar Sangakkara (c amp; wk), Jean-Paul Duminy, Daniel Christian, Cameron White, Darren Bravo, Shikhar Dhawan, Parthiv Patel (wk), Dale Steyn, Ishant Sharma, Amit Mishra, Manpreet Gony, Daniel Harris, Abhishek Jhunjhunwala, Bharat Chipli, Ishank Jaggi, Chris Lynn, Ashish Reddy, Anand Rajan, Ankit Sharma, Tekkami Atchuta Rao, Akash Bhandari, Kedar Devdhar, Tanmay Mishra, Veer Pratap Singh, Syed Quadri, Dwaraka Ravi Teja, Akshath Reddy, Biplab Samantray,Sneha Kishore,Sunny Sohal, Tanmay Srivastava, TP Sudhindra, Rusty Theron and Arjun Yadav. RAJASTHAN ROYALS Rajasthan Royals  (Hindi:   ) is an  Indian Premier League  franchise based in the city of the  Jaipur. It is currently captained by former Indian captain  Rahul Dravid. They won the inaugural edition of the  Indian Premier League  under the captaincy of former Australian spin-legend  Shane Warne. In 2010, they were terminated by the  BCCI  for a brief period for violations in terms of agreement but were allowed to play in the league soon after the Board lost the case in the  Supreme Court. The Rajasthan Royals franchise is owned and chaired by  Manoj Badale. Other investors include  Ryan Tkalcevic,  Lachlan Murdoch,  Sir. Aditya S Chellaram  and  Suresh Chellaram. The Group acquired the franchise for $67 million. Incidentally, this was the least expensive franchise in the  Indian Premier League  and probably the least fancied team in the league at the beginning of the tournament. Bollywood actress and  Celebrity Big Brother  winner  Shilpa Shettyand her business partner (now husband) Raj Kundra paid approximately US $15. 4 million for a 11. 7% stake before the start of IPL 2 in early 2009, therefore valuing the team at $130 million. It made a pre-tax profit of $7. 5 million in 2009. Faced with the daunting task of winning all their remaining matches for having any chance of making the playoffs, Rajasthan Royals would fancy a facile victory when they take on the struggling Pune Warriors in an IPL match here on Sunday. Royals are lying sixth with 12 points from 13 matches and have to win the remaining three to keep their playoff hopes alive. On the other hand, Pune are at the eighth position with only eight points in kitty from 14 matches, close defeats against Delhi Daredevils and Chennai Super kings hurting them the most. Add to this the leadership crisis that the team is facing due to an off-colour skipper Sourav Ganguly. He rested himself last night but promised to be back for this game despite team owner Subrata Roys claims that Ganguly would play a mentors role from next season. Royals, on the other hand, have no such worries and have an inspirational leader in Rahul Dravid. They have played good cricket against fancied rivals but have been guilty of frittering away opportunities. They might have the edge against the Pune but a victory here would not be enough as they will have to win all remaining three and pray that the other results also go in their favour. The hosts would like to start afresh from this juncture and make full use of every opportunity. For the past couple of matches, they could find the right team composition and earned two good victories but rain played spoilsport for them in the crucial match against Chennai Super Kings. The recent failure of Ajinkya Rahane has hurt them but Australian all-rounder Shane Watson has looked in top form. Dravid has been in good nick as well but the rest did not play to expectations at least in the last match. Shane Warne  and  Rahul Dravidare a study in contrast. One is known for his flamboyant lifestyle, outspoken ways and a devil-may-care attitude; the other is disciplined, soft-spoken and a perfect role model. For Rajasthan Royals, the most important story of IPL V could well be the transition from Warnes leadership to Dravids captaincy . In fact, for a few youngsters who have known only Warnes ways in the past four years, this could well be a culture shock. Rajasthan Royals, once again, do not boast of too many big guns, at least in the T20 format . However, they have the habit of throwing up heroes. If Yusuf Pathan, Ravinder Jadeja and Shane Watson owe most of their fame to the Royals jersey in the inaugural edition of the IPL, Johan Bothas prowess with the bat was a revelation last year. Warne had gone by his instincts in promoting Botha up the order, and it paid off handsomely. As Dravid steps into the Australian spin legends shoes, he would be aware that he is inheriting an enviable legacy. For starters, Dravid would have to pick his men carefully and not go by reputation or past record. He has coach Monty Desai and technical director Zubin Bharucha to help him out, two men who have little to show apart from their IPL stint under Warnes shadow. Talking about the players, the addition of Sreesanth in the ranks will boost the bowling, but then the pacer has been recuperating from a toe injury. He says he is fit for action, but then he hasnt played for the past six months. Expect him to be rusty. Also expect him to pull in the crowds with his maverick ways. Sreesanth could well keep Royals in the news, just like Warne did. At the other end, Shaun Tait would be hurling down some fireballs. Dravid and Botha would once again be expected to hold the batting steady. Dravid, of course, faces the biggest test. He would be hoping to do a Warne and lead this team to the podium. Or atleast finish in the top-four . Rajasthan Royals (RR) is a Rajasthan based franchise in the Indian Premier League (IPL), co-owned by Bollywood star Shilpa Shetty and businessman Raj Kundra in partnership with Emerging Media. The team is currently captained by Rahul Dravid who will be coaching the team. Dravid replaces Australian spin legend Shane Warne who announced retirement from the IPL last season. The Indian legend will also be the mentor of the team. The Rajasthan franchise lead by Warne took the IPL by storm when it won the first edition in 2008 when it beat the current champions Chennai Super Kings in a thrilling final. The official theme of the team is  Halla Bol  and the official mascot is a lion named Moochu. The home of the team is Sawai Mansingh Stadium. Many domestic players can be added to the Royals squad by the selection committee in a fin al camp under the team management of Rajasthan Royals Squad: Rahul Dravid (c), Pankaj Singh, Aakash Chopra, Abhishek Raut, Aditya Dole, Ajinkya Rahane, Amit Paunikar, Ashok Menaria, Deepak Chahar, Dishant Yagnik, Faiz Fazal, Nayan Doshi, Pinal Shah, Samad Fallah, Siddharth Trivedi, Stuart Binny, Amit Singh, Dinesh Salunkhe, Swapnil Asnodkar, Sumit Narwal, Ankeet Chavan, Sreesanth, Shane Watson, Johan Botha, Paul Collingwood, Shaun Tait, Brad Hodge, Kevon Cooper, Dinesh Chandimal, Brad Hogg, Owais Shah DELHI DAREDEVILS Delhi Daredevils  (Hindi:   ) is the  Delhi  franchise of the  Indian Premier League  in cricket. The franchise is owned by the  GMR Group. Founded in 2008, the team is currently captained by  Virender Sehwag  and coached by former South African cricketer  Eric Simons. They play all their home matches at the historic  Feroz Shah Kotla Ground. Due to the disbanding of  Kochi Tuskers Kerala, each team will play the remaining eight teams twice, once at home and once away. Therefore each team will play an extended season of 16 matches. Bollywood  superstar  Akshay Kumar  was the brand ambassador of the team during the 2008 Season but opted not to return for the 2009 season due to a busy schedule. However, Akshay was seen at a few of the teams games cheering them on. Famous  Bollywood  playback singer  Kailash Kher  has sung the team anthem Khel Front Foot Pe a. k. a. Play on the front foot or play aggressively. It is played at every Delhi Daredevils match. Delhi Daredevils launched their new anthem Munday Dilli Ke on 5 March 2012 on the social networking site  YouTube. [4] Virender Sehwag  has been accorded the icon player status in the Delhi Daredevils team and was also the captain of the side during the first two seasons. However, he resigned and passed on the leadership to his opening partnerGautam Gambhir  for the 2010 season. But after Gambhir left the team for  Kolkata Knight Riders  in the fourth edition,Sehwag was once again given the duty to captain the team. Since the start of the  IPL  in 2008 many international players such as  Glenn McGrath,  AB de Villiers,  Tillakaratne Dilshan,  David Warner,  Andrew McDonald,  Daniel Vettori,  Farveez Maharoof,  Dirk Nannes  and  Aaron Finch  have donned the cap for the Daredevils. The team also included Indian players like  Dinesh Karthik  and  Yo Mahesh. Ending the league matches in a superb and commendable way,  Delhi Daredevils  was the first team to get into the playoffs. Being in the top position in the tally table, the team played their first playoff match against second placed Kolkata Knight Riders on May 22. But when their fabulous performance was much needed in the Qualifier 1 match, the team players faltered slightly and their opponent Kolkata team took the advantage of the situation to make their way into the final. However, being in the top position, Delhi will get another opportunity to make their way into the final on May 25, 2012. Tomorrow Qualifier 2 match of the playoffs will be played between Delhi Daredevils and Chennai Super Kings, the winner of yesterday’s Eliminator match. This match will be played at MA Chidambaram Stadium,  Chennai from 8. 00 pm onwards. With a number of explosive batsmen in the team, Delhi Daredevils is strong enough to clash down the moral of the rival bowlers but unfortunately this strategy did not work last night. Throughout the group matches, the team players proved them as the most consistent team and what they have missed last night, they will surely look for grabbing that tomorrow. While analyzing the last match, there were a number of mistakes in Shewag’s team. Firstly, for low and slow wicket, this team appeared in the cricket field with only four medium pacers and one spinner. Secondly, the final order of eleven players needed a revision when they lost some early wickets. Ross Taylor should have come up at 5 and later Jayawardena admitted this mistake. However, after giving such an impressive performance throughout the league, along with all IPL viewers, Delhi boys are also hoping to play in the final and for that they have to overcome all the previous mistakes in tomorrow’s match to wipe out Chennai Super kings from this IPL 2012. Captain Virender Shewag and David Warner make a powerful opening partnership to raise fire in the field and they have to do so tomorrow. Chennai bowlers will for these two big wickets followed by middle order batsmen, Jayawardena, Ojha, Taylor and Negi. At time Pathan appears as an explosive all-rounder to give a big boost to the team score. To ensure their position in the final, Delhi batsmen have to make a 200+ challenging score against Chennai. On the other hand, Morne Morkel is the gem of the bowling squad. He is one of the leading wicket takers in this season with 25 wickets from 16 league matches. He along with Negi, Yadav and Pathan has to do the rest of the work by taking regular wickets. If all these factors work properly, then it is very tough to restrict Delhi. Also Delhi is a favorite tomorrow because of its formidable performance level and the consistency that this team maintained throughout the season. Contrary to this prediction, the western bookies predicted that there is 47% chance for Delhi to get a victory. Bookies such as William Hill, Paf, Bwin and Bet365 are offering 1/1 odds whereas Bet-at-home is offering 4/5 on a Delhi victory. Their home ground is Feroz Shah Kotla. The present coach of Delhi is Eric Simons and the captain is Indian opener Virender Sehwag. The star players of the side are Irfan Pathan, Mahela Jayawardene, Kevin Pietersen, Ross Taylor, David Warner, Umesh Yadav, Matthew Wade, Varun Aaron, and Ajit Agarkar apart from Sehwag. DD has been consistent in their performance. They reached semi-finals in the first two seasons of the Indian Premier League (IPL). However, they started declining since the third season of IPL. They managed to win only four out of 14 matches in the last IPL season. Squad: Virender Sehwag (c), David Warner, Venugopal Rao, Aaron Finch, Mahela Jayawardene, Glenn Maxwell, Varun Aaron, Ajit Agarkar, Doug Bracewell,   Naman Ojha, Andre Russell, Aavishkar Salvi, Ross Taylor, Roelof van der Merwe, Vikas Mishra,   Tejashwi Yadav, Umesh Yadav, Manprit Juneja, Puneet Bisht, Robin Bist, Gulam Bodi and Unmukt Chand. PUNE WARRIORS Pune Warriors India  is a franchise  cricket team  that plays in the  Indian Premier League (IPL)  representing the city of  Pune,  Maharashtra. The team is one of two new franchisees added to the Indian Premier League (IPL) for the  2011 season, alongside the  Kochi Tuskers Kerala. On 21 March 2010, Sahara Adventure Sports Limited made the winning bid of $370 million (approximately Rs 1900 crore) for the Pune franchise. The bid is the highest bid by any company in the short history of IPL. Sourav Ganguly,the former captain of Pune warriors India, serves as the mentor of the team. Former South African pacer  Allan Donald  is the bowling coach of the team. The teams home ground is the newly-constructed  Subrata Roy Sahara Stadium  in Pune. During the 2010 franchise auction for two new  Indian Premier League  teams,  Subrata Roy  of  Sahara Group  purchased the Pune IPL team. Pune and Kochi joined the current eight teams from the fourth season of IPL to be held in 2011. On March 22, 2010 Sahara group bought Pune IPL team for  1,702 crore. The  Videocon  Group lost the bid for the Pune IPL Team. The team logo has a spear wielding warrior riding a stallion,with the teams name next to it. [3]  The team colour is Turquoise blue and Silver [2012 Season]. .[4]  They kept their name Sahara Pune Warriors but later changed it to Pune Warriors India . TVS Motors  is the principal sponsor for the Pune Warriors India who have also signed  Adidas  as their official apparel sponsor for the upcoming season of  IPL.

Ideologies of the ANC and DA

Ideologies of the ANC and DA Ideologies of the ANC and DA that serves as intellectual foundation Introduction Ideologies can be defined as a system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy. Political Ideologies are the pillars and the foundation of any political party. It is important to have noble political ideologies in order to recruit members with the same beliefs in the party’s ideologies. In this essay, I will identify a few of the ideologies of the ANC and the DA by looking into their manifestos and also give a history of relationship ideologies has with election and a democratic country and also give my opinion on the best ideology as intellectual foundation that will make a change in the country. Ideologies In the book, Politics by Andrew Heywood, we see an Ideology can be defined as Heywood (2013:27) â€Å"A social-scientific viewpoint.† It is a â€Å"coherent set of ideas that provides a basis for organized political action.† When looking at this definition one could deduce various information on the political ideologies of the African National Congress and the Democratic Alliance. It is a group a people that forms a political party having a goal to make a difference in the lives of all citizens within the political arena. They also follows certain procedures to govern a country. We need to take into consideration that political ideologies has many facets such as Liberalism, conservatism, socialism, fascism and feminism as a few. Liberalism is the ideology of the Heywood (2013:31) â€Å"’industrialized West’ and portrayed as a meta-ideology. It is capable of embracing a broad range of rival value and beliefs.† In my opinion it would be a broad range of diversity that we find political ideologies. It is giving everyone an equal chance .It is a sense of equality. For example, Education for all. Heywood (2013:34) Conservatism has its key ideas based on â€Å"tradition-accumulated wisdom from the past† Conservative people are people who are prone to change. They expect society to stay the same, not taking into consideration that people change and make mistakes. Conservative people struggle to accept that â€Å"nothing stays the same.† Conservatism is found a lot in political structure. It poses many challenges and being conservative as an individual in a group setting in politics can sometimes be difficult. Heywood (2013:38) Socialism is to† abolish a capitalist economy based on a market exchange.†[1] Its key ideas are: â€Å"Community, Fraternity, Social Equality, Need, social class, common ownership.† Socialism relates to a society or an organisation. Socialism within politics strive to economic and political equality within the country and that all citizens are equal which is difficult because we all our diverse and celebrate diversity within our country. We all have our different religions and cultures and we are a different. A socialist is someone who wants to cultivate equality and wants to include every â€Å"creed and colour†. Other ideologies include Heywood (2013:47) â€Å"fascism: ‘new man’ a hero motivated by duty and honour and self-sacrifice prepared to dedicate his/her life to the glory of their nation or race and to give unquestioning obedience to a supreme leader.† Fascists are needed for people to believe that there is a leader that can lead the party in the right direction. Heywood (2013:49)Feminism-â€Å"it is more concerned with the reform of the public sphere that is with enhancing the legal and political status of women and improving their educational and career prospects than reordering private or domestic life.†[2]The political sector is dominated by men. In today’s society we see many females who are leaders. The rise of women played an important role in the upliftment of women. They play a very significant role in the country. We need feminist to bring equality of genders. We have a Minister for Women and children. Political ideologies-an introduction Eccleshall (1984:79) The ideology of conservatism: â€Å"If a society is to prosper, it’s political. Social and economic arrangements must be such as to stimulate and satisfy those with most to contribute to the common good.† [3]Politicians are needed to keep balance between all the facets of a country (the citizens, the environment, infrastructure etc.) the so-called business-man, the farmer and the man on the street is at a centre of equality. Geoghegan (1984:115) The ideology of socialism â€Å"is that all forms of socialism comprise three basic components: a critique, an alternative and a theory of transition.†[4] Socialists have a social responsibility to the country. Everyone to have basic rights and access their basic rights. It is that the political party can see the need and then assess the need and find possible solutions. For example: Taking the man from the street and giving him shelter. Jay (1984:153) The ideology of Democracy â€Å"is in agreement with ideology that states democracy denotes a rather different kind of entity, Democracy simply mean rule byof the people. Within this we have aristocracy, monarchy and oligarchy. Democracies shared many political practices in common.† A democracy simply means everybody. A democracy is a government that is governed â€Å"for the people, by the people†. Democracy can be seen as freedom to a certain extent. Democracy is what our leaders fought for, so that we can have equality. Democracy is a form of Ideology where people choose a political party to look after their interest in all aspects of life. Jay (1984:185) The ideology of Nationalism. â€Å"Nationalism is described as a doctrine invented in Europe which holds that humanity is naturally divided into nations, that nations are known by certain characteristics which can be ascertained, and that the only legitimate type of government is national self-government. Nationalism is a political doctrine and not a state of mind.†[5] Nationalists are South African citizens who have strong and firm beliefs in their country. Nationalism is a set of values and beliefs pertaining to the country. Nationalists can also oppress people as they only think of what is nationally possible for its citizens. They are loyal and firm believers in the country. Political ideologies of the 20th century Kohn (1966:133) Racialism: â€Å"the word ‘race’ is primarily a biological term and denotes groups of men differentiated by anatomical characteristics.† Many barriers exist because of racism. Racism exists everywhere, locally and even globally. In my opinion, racism can be oppression through colour, gender and religion. People are seen as â€Å"different† just because they do not have the same skin colour or do not believe in the same religious ideologies. Racism in politics is still very rife since Apartheid and beyond. Racism is the cause of inequality between citizens within a specific country. The biggest example of racism in our country is between the leading party (ANC) and the opposition party (DA).The ANC being â€Å"black† dominated party and the DA being diverse but mostly white. The DA maintains a good BEE balance. BEE is a racist attack in order to â€Å"rectify† the inequalities of the past Apartheid era. Kohn(1966:146) Fascism: †is one of the two great authoritarian mass movements which started in the 20th century in conscious opposition to the middle-class capitalistic civilization of the 19th century. The origins of the fascist movement in Italy are to be found in both the wave of disillusionment and the exacerbated nationalism that swept Italy after 1918.† [6]Fascism is when one leader can not fight socio-economic issues on his/her own and where inequality still exists. Fascism is seen as a mass movement. Political Science in Africa Science vs. philosophy: The Need for a relevant political science. Barongo (1983:17) When we define political science â€Å"the different branches of inquiry may divide into two group the empirical and non-empirical .Empirical seek to explore, to describe to explain to predict occurrences in the world we live in. Non-empirical had disciplines of logic and pure mathematics whose propositions are proved without necessary reference to empirical findings.†[7] In my opinion, political science is a study. And like any study, thorough research has to be done to obtain more information about the specific topic/idea. Every continent/country has their own political ideologies and beliefs because each country is different. Africa being the poorest continent has a tremendous job in order to compete/compare with first world countries. Although our continent is â€Å"poor†, we are rich in resources, especially in research. SA Politics: An Introduction The function of political parties in a democracy De Jager (2015:150-151) We see political parties for â€Å"representing the interest† of their members. In SA â€Å"there is a broad diversity of ideologies, cultures and history and thus interest.† The role of the parties is to ensure that all the interest of their members are taken into consideration. If members put a political party into governance (by voting), the members of that political party expect the party to look after their interests with in the party. The political party must look after the cultural, religious and social beliefs of the members. For example: upliftment within communities and extra-mural activities in wards where the political is in power â€Å"Socialisation and mobilisation: Parties can ensure increased participation of the public by integrating voters into a system and teaching them how and why to play the political game. Doing this they also inadvertently stimulate a sense of political legitimacy for democracy.† Mobilisation is getting a community to be self-sufficient. When political parties creates projects for the community to be self-sufficient. For example: Starting vegetable gardens, informing them about their rights. â€Å"Formation and Recruitment of political leaders: recruit and training political leaders. Not just the ANC has to recruit leaders but the opposition parties.† This consist of encouraging the youth to get involved in politics. It starts at school (debates, trips to Parliament) to inform the youth and make them politically aware of possibilities of a career in politics. In order for them to be successful, they need to have a passion for doing the right thing politics for people. Formation is important to form a youth league to train the youth from an early age. â€Å"Winning Elections and governing: key role of political parties in a democracy is to put forward their philosophies goals and election manifestos to compete for votes. The ANC has won all of the national elections since 1994 because it is very skilled at electioneering and has the largest base of social support.† Canvassing in the area for elections is a form of competition. Politicians say the right things to prospective members even if it is not true just to win votes. If enough people vote, the political party might be successful and win the elections. Many people believe that the ANC brought freedom, but ironically many politicians within the party have been found guilty by the public protector. The ruling party will be in control and hold most seats in government which works to their advantage. â€Å"Maintaining government accountability and influencing decision-making: there are two types of accountability: 1-vertical: emanates through the electorate sine the electorate knows which party is responsible for controlling the government. 2-Horizrontal: channelled through opposition parties which are responsible for systems (e.g.: winning the right to govern).† Jacob Zuma is our president and the leader of the ANC. We need to hold the correct person accountable for his actions. We need to know who will be responsible for the actions of government. Government acts on behalf of the country. The opposition plays an important role to keep the leading party on their toes as competition. The leading party has a lot of influence of decisions with government. They influence decision making as a party. The Ruling Party ANC. De Jager (2015:154) â€Å"The liberation movement celebrated it centenary in 2012. It is a movement that is born out of Christian values of equality and mutual respect led by an African middle class of lawyers, teachers, church ministers and doctors. The early ANC’s call for inclusion in the South African body of politic was as citizens of a common, non-racial society, informed by Christian and liberal conceptions of justice and humanity. The ANC has also been influenced by the ideologies of communism and Africanism, the different approaches of those who were in exile; trade union movements; and those incarcerated during Apartheid. The influence of these different ideologies and traditions continues to have considerable significance for the organisation, leading it to be called a ‘broad church ‘It also helps to explain why the policies and practices emanating from the ANC cover the spectrum from moderate to radical and from liberal to socialist. The ANC still does not recognise itself as a political party; it insists on being a liberation movement. Currently the party is torn between the values of its founders and those who seek political power for personal interest.† Nelson Mandela played an extremely important role in the ANC and the country. He was the forefather of the â€Å"liberation movement.† The ANC strives to keep his legacy alive. Although there was many controversy within the party, they still have some form of success. Julius Malema leaving the ANC led to a decrease in the party, although he left, the ANC is still the most popular political party. They member’s believe that the ANC can not do anything wrong in the political spectrum. The official opposition The DA De Jager (2015:155) The DA is the â€Å"culmination of a long time of political parties splitting and coalescing but its origins go back to the breakaway by a number of liberals form the United Party in 1959 and the formation of the Progressive Party. Helen Suzman played a major role in the history of the DA. The DA supports a ‘programme of non-racial democracy, a limited state, constitutional supremacy and market economy.’ The party is labelled as the ‘white party’. The primary challenge for the party is its growth as non-white members could not become public representatives pre 1994. The key resource for the DA has been access to government and the use of coalitions†[8]. The DA can be seen as the biggest threat to the leading party. The official opposition party. It is a strong opposition. They are the biggest threat to the ANC. The coalition between the DA and the so called â€Å"coloured party† the Independent Democrats lead by Patricia de Lille was one of the biggest political developments we have ever seen post 1994. The history of the party still classifies them as a â€Å"white party†. The DA is quite diverse. The Western Cape is governed by the DA and they are doing quite well here. Although they provide competition for the ANC, they do a lot for the province. The Ideologies of the Democratic Alliance â€Å"What type of society does the DA want to build? 1) The core concept of Zille’s DA is one of an ‘open opportunity society for all,’ which it counter poses to the ANC’s ‘closed crony society for some’ where a clique rules to accumulate wealth. For the DA, a competitive job-creating economy, supported by an efficient education system, are the main drivers of this society. 2) The DA’s education policy subscribes to human capital theory, which considers the purpose of education to be the production of skills for the market, and the raising of productivity and hence economic growth. 3) The DA aims to provide what it refers to as a framework for choice of goods and services, such as schools. The party bases their conception of choice on trickle-down economics; so, as global competitiveness drives economic growth and society becomes richer, its members will be able to exercise the rights and choices for services.† [9] The Ideologies of the African National Congress. â€Å"For more than a century, has led our people in their aspiration for a united, non-racial, non-sexist, democratic and prosperous society as the strategic goal of the National democratic revolution. To ensure all South Africans have access to adequate human settlements and quality living conditions through programmes that provide one million housing opportunities for qualifying households over the next five years, and providing basic services and infrastructure in all existing informal settlements. Improve and expand education and training by making grade R compulsory, eradicating adult illiteracy, and further improving the quality of basic education up to senior grade. The FET college sector will be expanded, with greater support for the needs of students, and compulsory community service for all graduates will be introduced.†[10] Conclusion As we can see from the above information, political ideologies are very important when researching political parties it is also important that the ideologies are in line with the needs of the country (that of the leading party and the opposition party) I agree with the ideologies of the DA as intellectual foundation because their ideologies are more universal and more realistic. All over the world and in all of history, political ideologies were used and accepted by potential members and loyal support of the political party. Various political ideologies should be used as far as possible within the party. Bibliography/Referencing list Heywood, A. 2013. Politics. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Eccleshal, R., Geoghegan, V., Jay, R. Wilford, R. 1984. Political Ideologies:An introduction. Essex: Anchor Brendon Ltd. 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